My fellow Americans,
One of the things I find most fascinating about political strategy is it's apparent paradoxical nature. In almost every case, the more transparently mendacious, outrageously slanderous, and obviously patronizing a political accusation or statement is, the more likely it will be accepted by the orthogonians as being honest and sincere. I've always intuitively known that and my instinct was confirmed in my first campaign back in 1946 agasint incumbent John Voorhis, in which I blatantly lied about his communist sympathies. The more extreme my accusations were, the more the voters believed them. Needless to say, I won.
So, when I see as utterly ridiculous a stunt as the new tea-people in congress opening the session by reading the constitution, I have to applaud. This is something even the most depraved Hollywood PR agent couldn't have dreamed up. It's elegance lies in it's simplicity. On the surface, it seems innocent enough. What could be more American than starting congress by reading the seminal document in American history?
And therein lies the pearl of aggressive genius. By not only reading the constitution, but making it clear that it's never been done before in the entire history of the US government, it politicizes the act and allows the tea people to claim ownership of the constitution. And so, ispo facto, they must be the only ones who are dedicated to it and to protecting America's freedoms and liberty. The implication is clear: if the left truly believed in and supported the constitution, they would have done this a long time ago. But they didn't. Why? The answer is obvious. The left must consist of anti-American barbarians dedicated to overthrowing our freedoms. After all, the devil doesn't read the bible.
The only sad point in all of this is that no matter how hard they try, the tea-people will never be able to do as good a dramatic reading of the constitution as Capt. Kirk.
Nixon Approves
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